2011 USGTF声明




It has recently come to our attention that three organizations in the names of European Golf Teachers Federation (EGTF), World Golf Federation (WGF) and American Golf Teachers Federation (AMGTF) (together “Organizations”) had been actively promoting and conducting training and certification courses for golf teaching professionals in China.

According to the information we obtained, these Organizations deliberately used names which are confusingly similar to the United States Golf Teachers Federation (USGTF), founded in USA in 1989, and the World Golf Teachers Federation (WGTF), which are the largest teaching professional federations in the world, with establishments in over 40 countries and over 19,000 members around the world.

Moreover, these Organizations represented themselves as having association with or otherwise connected to USGTF and WGTF and further copied the logo, setup, structure, syllabus and curriculum of USGTF so as to confuse the market and take advantage of the well developed reputation of USGTF and WGTF.

The truth is none of the Organizations have any relationship or association with USGTF and WGTF. Neither have they been authorized by USGTF and WGTF to use their registered logo or to conduct any training courses in China or, indeed, anywhere else in the worldAny representations made by the Organizations to the effect that they are associated or connected with USGTF and WGTF are manifestly false.

We have already engaged our legal advisors to review the situation including possible infringement of USGTF logo. We are considering taking legal action against the infringers should they continue with their wrongful practices and false representations.

We hereby declare that the Organizations, namely, EGTF, WGF and AMGTF, have no connection and are not associated with USGTF and WGTF. We hope the general public, in particular, the participants in the golf industry and people who are interested to receive professional training in golf teaching will not be confused, misled and deceived by these Organizations.

USGTF China Limited Quincy Tam Director

Suite 3203, 32/F, United Plaza 1468 Nanjing Road West Shanghai 200040, PRC Tel: +8621 62897676 Fax: +8621 62472366

中国上海市南京西路1468  中欣大厦3203 电话:+8621 62897676 传真:+8621 62472366




本会发现最近有三家机构,名称European Golf Teachers Federation (EGTF)World Golf Federation (WGF) and American Golf Teachers Federation (AMGTF),在中国非常活跃,推广和寻找一些培训中心合作举办高尔夫教练培训课程。

剧我们收到的消息,这三家机构对外声称与全球最大, 认证教练会员最多的高球教练联盟,United States Golf Teachers Federation (USGTF) World Golf Teachers Federation (WGTF)是关系机构。事实是这三家机构与USGTFWGTF没有任何关系,也没有业务往来,他们的声称是不真实的和有误导大众之嫌。USGTF成立于1989年和WGTF是一家真正的全球教练联盟,拥有40个分支机构分布世界各地和超过19,000名会员。




USGTF China Limited 谭炳坤  Director Suite 3203, 32/F, United Plaza 1468 Nanjing Road West Shanghai 200040, PRC Tel: +8621 62897676 Fax: +8621 62472366

中国上海市南京西路1468  中欣大厦3203 电话:+8621 62897676 传真:+8621 62472366






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