



USGTF had successfully held its 2nd China Teachers’ Cup Tournament on June 15th, Wednesday at Tainma Golf & Country Club in Shanghai.



The weather in Shanghai was terrible during this period of time; thunder storm, heavy rain and windy. In the morning of our tournament, the sky was dark with rain pouring down but we were lucky the weather turned good right before we teed off at noon. It was cool with mild wind though the course was still wet.




65 USGTF certified coaches and 22 guests had attended the event. Some of the coaches were coming from different places including Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong and other cities in China. All these coaches were trained and certified by USGTF-China. Invited guests were coming from media, sports internet, universities and colleges, golf clubs, etc. Despite the bad weather, the appearance ratio was almost 100% which was incredible as we afraid a lot of people might not show up. In this regard, we had to salute and pay the highest respect to all the participants for their courage, no fear of bad weather, and their commitment to support USGTF.


USGTF和WGTF的全球总裁,拜人先生(Mr. Geoff Bryant)专程提前两天从美国飞往上海参加此次活动。陪同拜仁先生一同前来的是美国SwingRite的总裁,Mr. Charlie Whitney。 SwingRite致力于设计和生产最实用有效的高尔夫教学辅助器材,其产品在全球被广泛应用于教学。

Our global president of USGTF and WGTF had flied all the way from USA into Shanghai couple of days earlier to attend the tournament. Accompanied Geoff was the CEO of SwingRite, Mr. Charlie Whitney. SwingRite produces the most useful and effective teaching tool which is widely used by golf teaching professionals around the world. 




65 USGTF certified coaches and 22 guests had attended the event. Some of the coaches were coming from different places including Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong and other cities in China. All these coaches were trained and certified by USGTF-China. Invited guests were coming from media, sports internet, universities and colleges, golf clubs, etc. Despite the bad weather, the appearance ratio was almost 100% which was incredible as we afraid a lot of people might not show up. In this regard, we had to salute and pay the highest respect to all the participants for their courage, no fear of bad weather, and their commitment to support USGTF.


USGTF和WGTF的全球总裁,拜人先生(Mr. Geoff Bryant)专程提前两天从美国飞往上海参加此次活动。陪同拜仁先生一同前来的是美国SwingRite的总裁,Mr. Charlie Whitney。 SwingRite致力于设计和生产最实用有效的高尔夫教学辅助器材,其产品在全球被广泛应用于教学。

Our global president of USGTF and WGTF had flied all the way from USA into Shanghai couple of days earlier to attend the tournament. Accompanied Geoff was the CEO of SwingRite, Mr. Charlie Whitney. SwingRite produces the most useful and effective teaching tool which is widely used by golf teaching professionals around the world. 


所有参赛者在早上11点前到达赛场,报到后享受丰富的自助午餐,并与其他教练会员及嘉宾互相认识交谈,谈笑风生,一派自然,完全不像大战在即,真的是谈笑用兵。在主持人的简短介绍比赛规则后,所有参赛选手、工作人员、志愿者、观察者和裁判在中午12点左右集体拍照留念。HKGTF和USGTF-China 的总裁,麦志行先生(Mr. Steve Mak)与全球总裁拜仁先生联手主持开球礼,双打彩虹烟球,开打第一洞。随着枪声一响,22组参赛者在不同的球洞同时开球,比赛由此正式开始。赛程历时大约4个小时。每组参赛者都在允许的时间内完成18洞比赛,没有一组慢打或延误的情况的出现。

All players arrived around 11 am in the morning, enjoyed a buffet lunch and meeting with fellow members and guests. After a short briefing of golf rules, all players, staff, helpers, observers and referees took group pictures together at the tee off area. At 12:15 pm, the president of HKGTF and USGTF-China, Mr. Steve Mak and the global president, Mr. Geoff Bryant. jointly hosted the tee off ceremony by hitting rainbow smoke balls off the No 1 hole. The tournament then started immediately with 22 flights shot gun, teed off the same time at different holes. The tournament took about 4 hours to complete with players started coming back gradually around 4:30 pm. Every flight had completed within the allowed time frame without any slow play or delay.



Dinner started at 6 pm with Toby Tse, Director of USGTF-China delivered a welcome speech, followed by Steve, Geoff and the general manager of Tianma Golf Club, Mr. So, each saying few words. The atmosphere was delightful and joyful with a lot of laughter and tosses. It was a great opportunity for members to meeting, knowing and familiarizing each other. All people were excited which reached the peak when it came the time announcing results of the tournament, award of trophies and cash prizes. Below were the results:



冠军谢里方 (69)

亚军俞国兵 (70)

季军潘小利 (72)

Men Teaching Professional Division (gross score)

 Champion – Mr. Xie Lifang (69)

1st Runner up – Mr. Yu Guobing (70)

2nd Runner up – Mr. Pan Xiaoli (72)



冠军师文芳 (77)

亚军纪春 (80)

季军曹学香 (83)

Lady Teaching Professional Division (gross score)

 Champion – Ms. Shi Wenfang (77)

1st Runner up – Ms. Ji Chun (80)

2nd Runner up – Ms. Cao Xuexiang (83) 



冠军 – Mr. Jonathan Chen (68)           

亚军 – Mr. Adrien Douplat (72)

季军吴亚初教授 (74)

Guest Division (net socre)

 Champion – Mr. Jonathan Chen (68)

1st Runner up – Mr. Adrien Douplat (72)

2nd Runner up – Mr. Wu Yachu (74)


幸运抽奖随着颁奖后开始,现场的气氛更加高涨,教练与嘉宾们兴奋异常。宴会最后在8点结束,由USGTF China董事谭炳坤先生致闭幕词。


Immediately after the award presentation, the atmosphere was further heightened when we started lucky draw. The party was wrapped up at 8 pm when Mr. Quincy Tam, Director of USGTF-China delivered a closing speech. A lot of people bearing the sweet taste in their mouths had selected to stay behind for few more drinks and chip-chat with each other even when the party was ended.



Taking this opportunity, we would like to express our deepest thank you to our sponsors:


Nike Golf赞助所有参赛者一盒高尔夫球和球帽,提供衣物袋作为抽奖奖品,并给与USGTF会员教练购物VIP优惠待遇;绿洲高尔夫培训中心赞助奖杯;任汉明先生赞助奖金;Wexgo Shoes, PSP Golf Club 和 SwingRite 分别提供球鞋、教学用球杆和教学辅助器材为幸运抽奖奖品。当然,我们还要感谢所有参赛嘉宾与会员教练以及所有工作人员和志愿者们。在他们共同努力下才使得这次中国教练杯比赛获得空前的成功。

 Nike Golf for sponsoring golf balls and caps to all players, and garment bags for lucky draw; Greenland Training Centre for the trophies, Mr. Tommy Yam for the cash prizes; Wexgo Shoes, PSP Club and SwingRite for shoes, teaching golf club and teaching swing tool respectively for our lucky draw. All our sponsors had collectively made the tournament more exciting and enjoyable. Needless to say, we have to thank you all guests and members for their participation and the hard work of all our staff and helpers. They had altogether made the tournament an overwhelming success.





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